Save Money on European Vacation

Cheapest Train Tickets

When is the cheapest time to book train tickets in Europe?

Depends on the country but is usually around:

Eurostar – 180 days

Germany – DB – 180 days

Thalys – 120 days

International TGV ~120 days

TGV France  3 months

British Rail 84 days

Italy – Trenitalia 90 days

Spain – Renfe 60-121 days has some of the cheapest train tickets in Europe and makes it easy to book across countries.

UK is very expensive if you just walk up and buy a train ticket so try as much as possible to book in advance. It can save you up to 27% booking 1 week in advanc and even the day before is 18% cheaper on average.


If you book 8 weeks in advance it can be 51% cheaper in the UK.

Wednesday is the cheapest day and Friday and Sunday are the most expensive.

Check this page out for more information