Australia’s MoneySavingExpert

MoneySavingExpert was setup in the UK to help find the best deals in the UK.

MoneySavingAussie was set up with the same ideals to set up a similar website in Australia. Australia’s very own MoneySavingExpert.

We serach out the best deals on mobiles, broadband, bank accounts, credit cards & much more just like MoneySavingExpert.

We are sure you’ll save $100s on the deals, freebies & specials on the website and hope you enjoy the site. 


Some great MoneySavingExpert deals below:

Airbnb – FREE $55 Credit for overnight accommodation. Available for a limited time.

Amazon Deals


What are the 6 best things you can do to save yourself $100s?

  1. Compare Electricity Prices– check you are getting a discount on your usage. Some companies offer over 25% on your usage fees if you pay by direct debit. Always worth calling up your current company to see what is the best they can do compared to the competition.
  2. Compare Mobile Plan Deals – Unlimited calls, texts & data allowance from $9.90/mth
  3. Compare Broadband Plans – Unlimited data on NBN or ADSL from $60/mth
  4. Compare Car Insurance
  5. Install the 711 Fuel App– Lock in your fuel price for a week (even if the prices go up 30c/litre!)
  6. Compare Health Insurance Deals – check out non profits health insurance funds and see whether extras are worth the money.

Explore the menus above to find some great deals or go to our home page for the great deals in Australia .